

Loved it

Ok the story is a little weak. Hit man going good, opposite crew angered so they poison him (apparently killing him in his sleep was too easy) with an incurrable drug that stops adrenalin being made in the body naturally essentially stopping the heart. So he has to keep his heart racing by not stopping.

Some scenes are brilliantly funny especially when he first works out he needs to keep his adrenalin going so starts a fight in a black gang bar, followed by a car chase through a shopping mall. Also when he's explaining everything to his girlfriend and comes up with the idea that they has to have sex right there and then (the location is what makes this bit well done).

Some special things I particularly liked is the split camera shots so you can see a situation from multiple angles (not over used thank god). Also words appearing on the screen

Not a great movie I'll admit but as something for the dvd collection it should go right alongside Transporters 1 and 2 (Yes I have both and loved them).

In short....... Hovis! go rent it :D
I was going to tonight but it'll either be tomorrow or Thursday. Is it "better" than the two Transporter films are "on the same level"?

I'm looking forward to this none-the-less.
Better than the first transporter film for action but not as good as the second one.

More comedy in my opinion in this one, and the film has a real rushed feeling as you watch it. Not rushed as in they rushed to make it, but rushed as in the films pace is non-stop due to the characters limited time before the poison kills him.