Cops break up a Mass Haruhi Dance at Tokyo Cosplay Con ... layer.html

"This video is awesome! So this is an Off-Kai, or an offline meeting of online friends. I think these are people who "met" on a cosplay-for-fun board on 2-channel. They met up for real in the middle of an Akihabara street on a Saturday to perform this wonderfully synchronized dance with blasted stereo music. Look how happy they look!

Then the cops show up and the music stops and everyone runs.

To the lay person, this congregation might look like a harmless street dance unworthy of triggering the fear of cops, but you have to understand that it took a huge amount of guts for these law-abiding Japanese citizens to decide to do this without permission. I can't imagine the cops in the US ever having this kind of power over the people, even with their fancy guns and booming voices. Sooo awesome."
That was actually amazing, out of all the crappy Haruhi dances i've seen on youtube and these guys do it right, at the same time! I'm speechless.

However the cops don't really do anything, they simply walk onto the scene and every darts into 500 directions. Still, quite possibly the coolest video i've seen in a long time.
i wonder if the cops would of broke up me and chaz dancing the dance.

Ah well we will never know now :(

well unless i dance in my front room, a cop happens to live across the road lol
that was awsome...and it makes me more hyped to watch the series once i get the DVD's
yes i know i could download them through other means, but i want to watch the whole series on DVD for the first i can fully enjoy it....and not to mention the limited edition R1 release i have pre-ordered a good few weeks ago.
cant wait!
Ninja Boy! said:
that was awsome...and it makes me more hyped to watch the series once i get the DVD's
yes i know i could download them through other means, but i want to watch the whole series on DVD for the first i can fully enjoy it....and not to mention the limited edition R1 release i have pre-ordered a good few weeks ago.
cant wait!

You're missing out, but it is worth the wait.
Anyone ever see that episode of South Park where the Japanese are training up kids as terrorists through subliminal messages inserted into Pokemon? Well... That's an army right there! The masks are scary too.
Paul said:
Anyone ever see that episode of South Park where the Japanese are training up kids as terrorists through subliminal messages inserted into Pokemon? Well... That's an army right there! The masks are scary too.


Whether or not they pose any danger is another question, they ran like the wind when the fuzz showed up.
Paul said:
Anyone ever see that episode of South Park where the Japanese are training up kids as terrorists through subliminal messages inserted into Pokemon? Well... That's an army right there! The masks are scary too.


lol shoe rules

thats funny idk why they bolt from 2 police i mean they had they outnumbered 30-1 there