Control: the new film about Joy Division


Death Scythe
Being a fan of Joy Division/New Order, I'm looking forward to this. I also love Corbijn's work with Depeche so it ought to be a very interesting film indeed, even more so considering it's Sam Riley's first lead role. The soundtrack will also be a highlight. 8)

Anyone else looking forward to it? The release date is supposedly October 5.
Well, I just ordered the book. I love Joy Division, and their whole story never fails to fascinate me. I'm definitely excited about this movie too.

There was a great documentary on BBC3/4 (can't remember which) last weekend about Factory Records a.k.a the indie label that discovered Joy Division. Some of the accounts and footage of the band was very interesting.

Also, no doubt you've already seen it, but "24 hour party people" is another good movie if you wanted to follow the rise and fall of Joy Division by way of Factory Records and Steve Coogan.
*BUMP* I've just watched the DVD and thought it was brilliant.

It's a 'grim up north' style biopic shot in moody black-and-white, which makes 70s Manchester arty and almost beautiful. Certain aspects could have done with a bit more attention (such as the other band members and the influence their work had) but at the end of the day it's a movie about Curtis the man, not Curtis the rock icon. That is to say, it portrays him as the ordinary but unusually talented working class guy who made mistakes and paid too high a price for them.

I'm sure film students will appreciate Corbijn's cinematography but for fans of the band's music, this is essential: the performances (both in terms of acting and recreating the songs) are nothing short of superb. I can't believe this was Sam Riley's first leading role!

EDIT: I've now posted a full review.
Sam Riley is fantastic - as a musician and an actor.I saw his band years and years ago because they were supporting another band.Having heard none of their stuff before I wasn't expecting much,but was blown away.To hear he was playing Ian Curtis was such a pleasent suprise! Honestly,it was him that made me see the film :3