City Hunter - Live Action


Arrived yesterday at my house so I finally got to see the movie.

SLAPSTICK - best word to describe this movie, some truely funny moments especially when Jackie Chan gets electricuted in the arcade room and the fight scene becomes a Street Fighter game complete with Ken, E. Honda, Guile, Dhalsim and Chun Li (unfortunately its Chan as Li and not his HOT assistant).

I really liked this film and although in parts the film does get a bit over the top it still makes me laugh and is now one of my favourite comedies in my DVD collection.
When I first saw it I thought "No! A bad Jackie Chan film, that can't be possible" (this was back in the 90s), then about half way through it became really good.
cornixt said:
When I first saw it I thought "No! A bad Jackie Chan film, that can't be possible" (this was back in the 90s), then about half way through it became really good.

It does grow on you, once you get past the weirdness (after all its meant to be as if your reading the manga rather than watching a film). Plus getting to see Chan Skateboard is quite cool.