In January, Kyoto Animation's sequel to <em>Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions </em>(<em>Chunibyo Demo Koi ga Shitai!</em>) will begin its broadcast in Japan. Ever since its announcement at the end of <em>Tamako Market </em>(another series by Kyoto Animation), details on the new season have been rather scarce. However, a listing on Animax has revealed some information about the new season. <em>Chunibyo Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren </em>takes off from where the first season ended and Yuta and Rikka are now living together secretly. However, for someone who has never had a girlfriend before, Yuta is having to face the reality of the struggles of havung a chunibyo girlfriend. Then, to complicate things, the girl responsible for Yuta's own chunibyo stage back in middle school, the self-proclaimed "Sophia Ring Saturn the 7th" (otherwise known as Satone Shichimiya) appears.
The first season has been licensed in the United States by Sentai Filmworks, but has yet to be picked up by a distributor in the United Kingdom.
The first season has been licensed in the United States by Sentai Filmworks, but has yet to be picked up by a distributor in the United Kingdom.