Call of duity 4


Completely Average High School Student
Hi guys just posting to see if eney one has this game and if so would like to meet online for games and such :p ( as most pepol on my friends list are "Simple minded kids")
You should state what version of the game you are playing (PS3, Xbox360, PC).
Oh and btw, you gotta love the simple minded kids! They are so funny... haha :D
We have Call of Duty 4.
But when it comes to online gaming I'm either on Halo 3 or Dead or Alive 4. And sometimes the odd Splinter Cell DA.
I'm so addicted to COD4 I joined a clan so I play tournaments. Also going to i33. Addmitedly I was originally going to play Battlefield but COD4 is definately in my driver's seat at the moment. I'm ranked level 58 at the moment and still climbing.
I only just recently started playing online again becasue I just remembered I had a 3 months subscription and I really should start using it.

Out of 56 thousand people on DOA online, I am rank 11 thousand. Which isn't that bad, right?
Amray said:
I only just recently started playing online again becasue I just remembered I had a 3 months subscription and I really should start using it.

Out of 56 thousand people on DOA online, I am rank 11 thousand. Which isn't that bad, right?

I wonder who number one is?? Man, he/she must feel the pride :lol: