Broken Sword 4


Completely Average High School Student
Sorry if this has already been posted but i just found out that broken sword 4 is due out this year, words cant decrobe how happy i am. A question to those who share the broken sword love or just know lots bout games is it goin to be pc only or pc and ps2??????????
I presume it will be out for both, as broken sword 3 was wasn't it ? And also out for Xbox

I only started playing Broken Sword last year, when I got broken sword 2 for £5, a bargain as it was a really good game. After I completed it i got Broken Sword 1 but didn't get around to completing it. =/
I have Browken Sword 2 for PC lying around somewhere but haven't had time to play it much. I really like the puzzle-solving gameplay though - someday I'll give myself enough time to sit down and have a crack at it.