On Saturday, Level-5's President and CEO Akihiro Hino announced at Capcom's special Phoenix Wright 10th Anniversary event that renowned anime studio BONES (Fullmetal Alchemist, Wolf's Rain, Soul Eater, Un-Go) will be animating scenes for the upcoming Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright crossover 3DS game. A few images can be seen here (scroll down).
The game sees Layton and Wright in an alternate world, having to defend a young girl in a witch trial while trying to solve the mystery of the "Story Teller" - a man who can apparently make whatever he writes a reality.
The game will be released in Japan later this year and no international release has been confirmed as of yet.
The game sees Layton and Wright in an alternate world, having to defend a young girl in a witch trial while trying to solve the mystery of the "Story Teller" - a man who can apparently make whatever he writes a reality.
The game will be released in Japan later this year and no international release has been confirmed as of yet.