Blade - TV series


Blade TV series 10pm Monday on Bravo

Watched this earlier in the week, and it looks good, the best I can figure is that its set during the break between Blade 1 and Blade 2 as it starts in Russia (where 1 ends) and then he ends up back in the USA (Detroit).

New Blade - Played by Kirk 'Sticky' Jones (rapper Stick Fingas) - has the same look and gravelly voice but unfortunately with the 'Snipes' armour he looks really short, they have strapped silver stakes accross his chest and the length of these coupled with the long coat make him look about 5 foot tall.

Sidekicks - 2 this time, 1 is a techno-geek there to build his weapons and create his medication (no whistler sorry), the other is the more righteous based character, although this time they have decided not to bother going for a police officer/detective or nurse/doctor, in this incarnation we are presented with ex-army soldier Krista Starr (yes a hot female character what a surprise).

Blood - as its a vamp film yes there is loads of blood, the opening scene sees Blade slice a vamps throught and the blood-spray is totally over the top.

TV Story - Blade is hunting a rich and very powerful Vampire who is shipping corpses into Detroit, Corpses of Vampires that it, to test new serums on in the hope of curing all of the Vampires weaknesses. Also there is a side story about vampire based drugs on the street, Vampire Ash which is taken by a human gives them all the powers of a vampire including the hunger for blood but only for a limited period of time.

SCOOP - There will be no second series though as it flopped in the US
McIcy said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'd watch if it only if it had Wesley Snipes.

To be honest this guy does the Snipes thing well, but I still agree with you Snipes would have been better

Yeah, but Wesley Snipes is a big Actor, so why would he go for a TV series... *sigh* It would've been great!!!!!
Hyaku said:
Blade disgraced the good name of 'Vampire' Movies

Can't see how thats possible with such aweful titles as Vampire in Brookly and Dracula Dead and Loving it and don't forget (or maybe you should) Dracula 2000
McIcy said:
Hyaku said:
Blade disgraced the good name of 'Vampire' Movies

Can't see how thats possible with such aweful titles as Vampire in Brookly and Dracula Dead and Loving it and don't forget (or maybe you should) Dracula 2000

Don't forget 'Queen Of The Damned' lol...

It's not that a lot of Vampire flicks haven't sucked, its just Blade completely drifted from all other aspects of what made the original ones good..

IMO 'Interview with the Vampire' was the best; from what I've seen anyways, and the whole time period in which it was set just made it what it was, for me anyway o.o
I didn't even know there was a series until the other night.My reaction was pretty much 'theres a series?!' I like Blade though,may actually watch it next time :D