Black Jack


Guild Member
I'd like to know about this release of Black Jack by Manga Ent. It seems to be the only release of the Black Jack series in the UK, and runs at an hour and a half. This would lead me to believe it's a movie of some sort, but I can't find any information on a Black Jack movie. Help with this matter would be much appreciated, thanks! ^_^

Also, is Black Jack any good (I know it's good - it's by Osamu Tezuka - so the question really is: how good is it?).
It's this movie.

Personally I didn't think it was very good. It started out fine and with an interesting storyline but it seemed to drag for too long and was generally poorly directed with an overuse of dreaded 'postcard shots' in silly places. You'll also want to kill the little girl in it too, she wins for most annoying little kid in anime I think.

I haven't seen anything else Black Jack related so I don't know what the other adaptions are like.
The movie's pretty good - enjoyable but nothing spectacular. It's unusual in terms of premise but I agree that those stills were a bit out-of-place. It's definitely worth a look at that price £6.99, it's no big deal if you don't like it. :p
I could never get into Black Jack I have tried the animes but for some reason I just don't get it, I watch and understand but I just can't seem to become a fan, maybe the movie will help alter my thoughts
Wait... what? For the past several hours or I thought this thread was about Violence Jack, though Mustaine saying Violence Jack is good was beyond me when he once stated it was horrible...

Eh, Black Jack, I've not seen it myself, however I know someone who's very fond of it and pretty much praises the hell out of it, apparently it's really good and I don't think the series is licensed yet either.
Lupus Inu said:
Wait... what? For the past several hours or I thought this thread was about Violence Jack, though Mustaine saying Violence Jack is good was beyond me when he once stated it was horrible...
Violence Jack is horrible, but at the same time amazing. It's a so bad it's good movie... but it is really really bad.
Sy said:
Lupus Inu said:
Wait... what? For the past several hours or I thought this thread was about Violence Jack, though Mustaine saying Violence Jack is good was beyond me when he once stated it was horrible...
Violence Jack is horrible, but at the same time amazing. It's a so bad it's good movie... but it is really really bad.

I agree, its one of those movies that has a great idea but then goes so wrong in parts but you can still see it had such potential
Aaaand coming back to Black Jack. Thanks for your help, guys, much appreciated! I'm going to try out this movie, like Martin said, it's only about €10.

The 2006 Black Jack TV series looks very good - I hope it gets licensed eventually.
It's good to know these old Manga Ent releases are still going, I have most on my shelf but there were some that I never got round to picking up. They were some of the first anime I ever watched as well, and it didn't put me off anime at all : D that included Violence Jack as well.
There's just something weird about Manga Ent's older releases... I guess they represent anime in the 80's and 90's. I kind of want more!
I like the Blackjack movie and Manga did a good job with this version as well. Glad you're going for it.

Violence Jack on there other hand I consider a classic of sorts... :twisted: