Big Trouble In Little China


Never really realised it before watching this movie again tonight, but this was the movie that actually fashioned my interest in eastern culture.

After watching it again tonight I just realised how great it was...

The movie itself didnt exactly include the best effects or even remotely decent fighting or acting (keep in mind it is over 20 years old), but something about it really sparked my interest and cemented into my mind that I needed to see/find out more about this other general kind of culture.

Wadda' you guys think? :D
Quality film, I remember watching this when I was young (Primary school) and was sleeping over at a friends house, he also showed me the wonder that was Police Story (oh yeah he rocked).

Love the weird characters and the fact that Jack Burton (Kurt Russel) spoke in the Third Person which was a weird touch

Some Quotes from the movie for you:

Jack Burton: This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's out there.

Wang Chi: How can I? I need all my cash for Miao Yin.
Eddie: And it's gonna cost. She's got green eyes.
Gracie: Oh no, seriously? Oh, that's an extra to these people. It's like leather bucket seats, it's double the price.

Jack Burton: When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye and asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
It's been a fair few years since I've seen this film but I remember it being really was either a really bad action film or, more likely, a really good tongue-in-cheek comedy.
Martin said:
It's been a fair few years since I've seen this film but I remember it being really was either a really bad action film or, more likely, a really good tongue-in-cheek comedy.

Yeah I'm surprised it hasn't been on late night showings on tv
Ok I think its an ok movie but I woudnt say it was great. I realy hated the acting and the people that played the characters. But the monsters and things in it I thought where funny
This is a clasic film with some very memorable moments ad dialouge, unfortunatly I cant remember any parts in particlular though LOL 8)
I love the fact that the hero pretty much gets his ass kicked throughout the film.

Oh and the end where he drives away on his truck and the weird monster thing is sat on the back of it....
Shades said:
This is a clasic film with some very memorable moments ad dialouge, unfortunatly I cant remember any parts in particlular though LOL 8)

Lol, one of the funny ones is where he says to Lo Pan (while hes in his old guy form):

"Dude, you haven't found the right broad in 2200 years, hell, you must be doing something wrong"

:D :lol:
I remember being scared of when Lo Pan was the reaaaaaaaaaallly old guy and he had no skin and it freaked me out (was like 6 at the time) :)
Rented the video of this for my 14th birthday party way back then. Went down well with my mates!

It is very John Carpenter! Just before he lost it and went crap...
Deidara said:
I recently saw it again for the first time in SEVERAL years. I ended up finding new things funny that I wouldn't laughed at the first time I saw it.

Ditto, considering the last time I saw it (not including when I saw it before started this thread) was around a decade ago, and my small underdeveloped brain could not appreciate it. =P