BFI deem Spirited Away a "must see"

Hmmm...this is nice to know, although if I ever get round to having children you can be sure they will have seen Spirited Away several times before they're fourteen. Spirited Away has been essential in making anime more popular, and I wouldn't be suprised if the recent (admittedly sparse, but the Times gave it five stars) coverage of Paranoia Agent wouldn't have happened if it were not for Spirited Away's soujourn into the mainstream, showing a whole new group of people some of anime's many merits.
Maybe kids 'll enjoy it more (I'm 19) but I've already well documented my lukewarm attitude towards Spirited Away. Now Mononoke, thats a different matter, but probably not appropriate for 14's and under.
Spirited Away is definitely worthy of being on that list, although Mononoke is probably the better film in my opinion (although that really should have been given a 12 certificate!). strangely, i've only actually seen four out of the ten of those myself.

although it's not anime, why is The Goonies not on the list?! that is a perfect example of a kids' adventure.
yes i think that list should be redited wheres transformers the movie?
teenage mutant ninja turtles?
bill and ted?

anyway its good that they have put anime movies