Best old school games?


PS1 is considered old school nowadays, so don't hurt me for not sharing my love of Alex the Kid. I used to love that game as a brat...

1: Final Fantasy VII
The game that introduced me to the JRPG genre and showed me that games didn't always advance through levels - at first, everytime I zoned in FFVII I thought I'd reached the next stage!

FFVII has the best battle system ever. Whenever I replay FFVII I always get kicks out of mastering materia, often spending hours battling just to do so. It's part of my gamplay routine to level up materia once Wutai becomes accessible, the reason being that the monsters around Wutai offer the best materia experience (whatever) up to that point.

2: Grandia
The most laugh out loud funny game I've ever played. Great story, great characters, great dialogue, great battle system, great music, great voice acting, great everything. It's always a joy to replay it. What made playing it for the first time a bit special was the fact that it was one of the first games I played that had voice acting, and I loved the voice acting. Also, Grandia had my favourite RPG character ever in the form of Puffy: a flying creature that only ever says "Puff Puff!"

3: Suikoden II
Amazing game. It probably has my favourite RPG story, with its only competition being Suikoden V - Konami are the masters of creating epic war stories. It was my first Suikoden and, back when I first played it, the fact you can recruit 108 characters and use most in battle was jaw dropping. And I loved (and still do love) the epic 2D war battles.

4: Breath of Fire 3
Simplicity at its finest. I'm not sure why I've always liked BoFIII as much as I do, even managing to enjoy fishing, the most boring hobby in existence, whilst playing the game. My thoughts always lead me to two points that made the game stick in my heart: the excellent, characer driven start and how Ryu started as a boy (with blue **** for hair) and, after a time skip, ended as a man. I've always loved Rei, by the way.

5: Star Ocean 2
A game you could probably replay 10 times and still miss stuff. I'm not sure if it's the best RPG ever but it's certainly the most replayable. It has great gameplay, and it's also rather hard, featuring a boss that won a poll on GameFAQs for the hardest boss ever. The more basic battle system is much better than the annoying fury system that ruined SO3.

There are a few others that only missed out by an inch or two, namely Wild Arms and Final Fantasy VIII.

Wild Arms is a game I have fond memories of for its use of platform elements in dungeons and how players can destroy objects in towns. The anime opening and "whistling" BGM have stayed in my memories over the years - wonderful stuff. I'm going to replay it soon since WA5 has made me want to, I have an unplayed NTSC copy (60hz > 50hz) and I REALLY need to beat that ******* sea golem I was always too much of a pussy to look for (Emerald Weapon of FFVII fame gave me a phobia of secret JRPG bosses that lurk underwater) in order to fully complete it.

Final Fantasy VIII is one of the few games I've played many times and never beat. No matter how much I like it, I can never bring myself to go through the final dungeon and beat the final boss. The last time I tried, which was many years ago now, the evil bitch stole ALL my junctioned magic and *just* killed me with her last form... I gave up after that. But, ignoring my failure to beat it, I think it's a great game and always get a lot of wnjoyment out of playing it - I even like drawing magic from monsters.
Aion said:
1: Final Fantasy VII
This is where I stopped reading.

EDIT: Actually, I'll give you some credit at the mention of Grandia, **** was AMAZING. Actual Shounen Adventure RPG game with characters who looked similar to that of characters from Slayers? DO WANT.
Best Old school games, hmm. Well N64 can be deemed classic now so i'll include that:

LoZ:Ocarina of Time - Sure loads of people will say this if they are a zelda fan, like myself, and no doubt people will argue with it as well, but it was, and still is, probably my most favourite game. Sure it had Master Quest released on the Gamecube, but it was always best on the 64.

Conker's Bad Fur Day - In terms of age, its probably the youngest of the games i'm mentioning, but oh was it good on the N64. Forget the remake on the Xbox, that, although decent, it lost a lot of its charm. The story was brilliant and hilarious, but what really took up hours upon hours of my time with friends was the multiplayer. Full Team Total War on Einstein difficulty, great times.

Road Rage 2(Megadrive) - Probably the only racing game outside of Mario Kart i really got into. I used to spend hours and hours on this trying to win every race on each difficulty, and i managed to get the best bike in the game too, which i'm proud off. Course it never saved so you had to input a password everytime, which got annoying, but was still a great wee classic.

Desert Strike - This was another one i was never sure about at first, but i got addicted too it after the first go. Sure its sequel Jungle Strike was good too, it just never had the same feel i guess as its predecessor. Go in, save people, destroy this or that, kill these guys, straight forward gameplay, i guess thats what made it enjoyable, that and it wasn't always the easiest of games.

I could actually go on for ages, the megadrive, SNES, NES, Game Gear, all had great wee games on them, like Earthworm Jim on the SNES, the sonic game on the Game Gear, Duck Hunt as well, all worth mentioning.
Lupus Inu said:
EDIT: Actually, I'll give you some credit at the mention of Grandia, **** was AMAZING. Actual Shounen Adventure RPG game with characters who looked similar to that of characters from Slayers? DO WANT.

You stopped reading after seeing FFVII mentioned, yet you saw my Grandia mention? I see much contradiction in you. :p

I've always said that, out of all the RPGs I've played, Grandia would be the best anime (if it was adapted, that is). The story is basically that of a a shounen with gameplay elements mixed in, and Justin has to be the most likeable shounen lead in history. He starts out as weakling (like all shounen heroes) still living with his mom (not like all shounen leads) and ended as the hero who saved the world after making a pact with the spirits - it's the sort of story I'd love to see in an anime. I'd pay to see some of Justin and Feena's scenes animated, and the ending would also be funny as hell if animated.
Still a fun game to play, and being turn based works well on my tv with remote mouse.

Quality 3dfx powered turn based combat shooter. Great game mechanics.

UFO Enemy unknown
I could really do with this on the PSP, would be great to loose myself for hours on the train.

Ultima 7 The Black Gate & Serpent Isle
Classic ultima action. The only bane was its annoying DOS setup.

Total Annhilation
Classic RTS, i've probably played more hours of this game than any other. including a 36 hour match which resulted in a nuclear war of unimagined proportions.
no order but afew worthy mentions

alex kid - sega master system

pokemon gold/silver - gbc

golden axe - sega mega drive

streets of rage - sega mega drive

most castlevania games

Street fighter 2

i cud go on but i dnt want to...
Let's see

Guardian Heroes (Sega Saturn) One of the best 2D side scrollers i've ever played, must of also been the only Saturn game to make use of the 6 player adaptor.

Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega Saturn) The swansong for the Saturn console itself, a masterpiece of a game, and is pretty much also Sega's answer to FF VII at the time. Honourable mention also goes to the first two Panzer Dragoon games, which were on rail shooters, but still good games.

Splatterhouse 2 (Sega Megadrive) I loved this game, i can't remember who got it or why but this gory (for its time) scrolling beat'em up kept me amused for a long time with its weapons and mosnters (was disappointed though that you could only use the chainsaw during a boss battle)

Worms (Amiga) i know it came out on other formats but i first played it on the Amiga :p

Final Fantasy VIII (PSone) first FF game i ever played and completed (though thanks to a corrupted save outside ultermecia's castle it took me aout 5 years till i actually completed it) I remember spending playing it straight till i had just out ran the spider at dollet. Of course later my friend showed me that it was possible to kill it...

Ape Escape (PSone) I used to use a lot of colourful words when playing this game yet i kept on going with it. The controls were fun and for the time intuitive, even if sony probably only had the game made to sell dual shock controllers

I could probably waffle on a bit more especially since i haven't mentioned a blue spiky mammal that got me into gaming in the first place :p
1: Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is the first RPG that got me gripped. Since I was around 8 - 9, my PS1 was modded to play copy games and my Dad bought me Final Fantasy Chronicles, which had Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger. I was desperate to play a FF game and my older cousin told my Mum that I wouldn't like it, despite him enjoying it himself, so she was reluctant to buy me it.

Anyway, I tried playing FFIV. It was good, but it didn't grab my interest for long. Then I played Chrono Trigger and I liked it because it looked like DBZ. And I was a big DBZ fanboy back then. But when I played through it, I instantly fell in love with it. It IS the best classical RPG that I've played and I'm overjoyed that it was my first RPG. There are no random battles, the plot starts off light-hearted, but gets better at the right pace. Lovable Characters and time travelling. I got to say, but people are crazy if they prefer another RPG over Chrono Trigger as it was perfect and was more advanced that any RPGs that Square made.

I'm pretty much surprised that it took developers long enough to EVEN abandon random battles. I found Chrono Cross not to be as good, but gets bashed WAY too much.

2. Final Fantasy VII

When I look back at it, I find it a very enjoyable game with the cast of characters that were interesting. Cloud was just ruined after the 'event' happen, forcing him into emo angst and still act like that in Advent Children ¬¬ Though Advent Children is **** anyway and I rate it 3/10.

But I loved Final Fantasy VII. Sure, I believe it's a very overrated RPG, but I still enjoy it.

2. Final Fantasy VI

Yes, they are both 2. That's because I cannot choose between them. I love Final Fantasty VI as much as VII. But I prefer one character from VI over VII and that's Kefka.

I find Kefka a very interesting character and one of Square's best villain. He's a bufoon, an idiot, but a sudden twist of events reveal him to be darker and I like him. A very likable, funny villain.

3. Sonic CD

People think it's overrated, but I love CD. It was a great Sonic game, which had a great soundtrack (if you listen to the Japanese version), introduced Amy Rose who is now annoying, Mecha Sonic and zipping through levels, which have three versions of each Act.

And it's a 2D sonic Game =D
Sonic 2 - gotta love Tails

Streets of Rage - can't remember why though :D

Final Fantasy 8 - Gunblades nuff said

FF9 - the last true appearance of Bahamut


Dungeon Master

Theme Park


the list goes on
The schools in this thread are not old enough. Can all those with Playstations please move their birthdates closer to mine?

I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother?
kupoartist said:
I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother?
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

The Secret of Monkey Island - Amiga
The best of the brilliant Lucasarts adventure games. Back when George was interested in things other than milking Star Wars for all he can before he snuffs it. Loom, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and Grim Fandango all deserve honorable mentions.

Syndicate - Amiga
I played this game to death (no pun intended). Other than it's less impressive sequel, the world's only point n' click assassinate-em-up. I just loved picking the time and place my trenchcoated cyborgs would pull out their weapons and send everyone running for cover. It was that kind of feeling that made the lobby scene in The Matrix so satisfying. For those not familiar with it, Syndicate played kinda like Baldur's Gate. With miniguns, no conversation and no dice rolling.

Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II - NES
Now I don't remember much, but I can remember the first time I played Ironsword. It was the first game I got for the NES, and compared to the Spectrum games I was used to it was brilliant. In fact, I want to go and play it right now. It's a shame Wizards and Warriors III - Kuros: Visions of Power was such a let down after it. The guild tests on that made me want to throw my television out the window.

Will think of more later when I'm not so tired...