Ben 10 Episodes


Vampire Ninja
First thing, i know alot of you may not like watching these kind of things online, but this is needed!

I usually watch Ben 10 before i go to college in the morning and today they finaly showed the episode that i have been waiting for (Episode 49? Ben 10 vs. Negative 10 Part 2). I had to leave right at the beginning though because i had to be in college earlier today.

So i was wondering if anyone knows where i can watch this episode? :D Would be a great help if someone can find it :)
Unfortunatly I can't help you with that since I dispise it myself... but I herd they were actually making a movie out of it o_O. Yeah, this doesn't answer your question but I guess if it was gonna get posted anywhere, it'd be here.
not that i have a problem with ben 10 or internet streaming, but a warning to everyone who does want to help Taylor, if you're going to mention any sites or links, just pm them that way paul won't have to delete the thread
Deidara said:
Unfortunatly I can't help you with that since I dispise it myself... but I herd they were actually making a movie out of it o_O. Yeah, this doesn't answer your question but I guess if it was gonna get posted anywhere, it'd be here.

Yer theres a movie with real people being released soon. Looks naff to be honest >.<
McIcy said:
Looks like you will have to keep watching til it comes around again dude, but I'm sure it will be repeated over and over again

Aww naff sticks... :p

Ryo Chan said:
not that i have a problem with ben 10 or internet streaming, but a warning to everyone who does want to help Taylor, if you're going to mention any sites or links, just pm them that way paul won't have to delete the thread

Yer thats true, forgot to mention that. If anyone does know a site just PM it to me please. Cheers
Ash said:
Ryo Chan said:
hence why the next series has a new name :p

It's still called Ben 10 but with Alien Force added to it, which confuses me seeing how he's gonna be 15(?).

the 10 is a reference to his watch not his age (though they both start at 10) but then that still makes no sence as we know

A: he has more than 10 now
B: we know he will end up with atleast 10,000
Ryo Chan said:
A: he has more than 10 now
B: we know he will end up with atleast 10,000
I bet you all now that the series ends before he achieves it, or they just time skip with him having them all. I have not seen Ben 10 in eons though, it was good from what I remember.
I watch Ben 10 too. Saw the movie on Monday and it was alright. can't waith for the new series

have to admit, considering the low budget they must have had, it wasn't too bad

reminded me of the good ol days of the power ranger movie
Ryo Chan said:
I watch Ben 10 too. Saw the movie on Monday and it was alright. can't waith for the new series

have to admit, considering the low budget they must have had, it wasn't too bad

reminded me of the good ol days of the power ranger movie
I remember watching the power ranger movie too
haha my brother watches it before school..if im absoloutely desperate then i spose i watch it too but i hate everytihng about wait i hate the chea[p film that was brought out more than the cartoon =P