Influenced by Andy Glass' Ultimate Guide to Gundam, Jo Sarsam has produced a fine beginners' introduction to the confusing world of Tenchi Muyo!; a popular sci-fi franchise that spanned decades and produced an ever increasing number anime series, spin-offs and novels.<ul class="menu2">"Masaki Kajashima’s original concept sounds deceptively simple- take one teenage boy living a quiet life in the mountains of Okayama, Japan, and subject him to a series of events that see him end up living with a group of powerful girls from outer space, some of whom seem ready to stop at nothing to become his girlfriend. It sounds like a familiar setup (with regards to anime, anyway), and yet somehow Tenchi has grown into a franchise whose complexities can leave even the most dedicated fans nursing a headache. This article, while by no means meant to be an exhaustive encyclopaedia of all things Tenchi, will hopefully ensure that everyone can tell their GXPs from their Pretty Sammies."</ul>Read the full article.