Beez London Expo May 2010 Interview Video


Stand User
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A quick summary of key points from interview:

The Durarara license will have no effect on the CR streaming.

They have six unannounced licenses, some sub-only due to no US license and a couple sub-only due to the US release not having a dub.

Dubbing costs upwards of $5000 an episode so not feasible when the UK market is only going to shift a few thousand.

Anime Legends are selling well (Wolf's Rain in particular) and they're looking to try and get more older titles like Outlaw Star that never reached the UK out this way.

Gundam Unicorn delays are due to it not being BBFC certified so it can only be sold via the online store [which is not up yet but is in testing -]. They are still discussing whether to get the later volumes BBFCd for wider distribution.

Sword of the Stranger on Blu-ray is doing OK, however they had an
unexpected spike in DVD sales when it was released (the LEs are sold out).
Jayme said:
Their pronunciation of Durarara... its wrong, right?
Yeah, they're saying Du-ra-ra
When it's 3 ra's :p

Anyways, I can't wait to hear those new licenses he can't say about
Guessing game time again XD