Be There Broadband


Death Scythe
Pipex have really gone down hill recently (well, for the last year or so actually), and now my family and I are thinking of switching ISPs, BeThere is one I found many moons ago - seeming to have a much better package than most other ISPs by far.
So I'm wondering if anyone who uses BeThere can give me some opinions on the service, i.e do they have "blackouts", or general poor service, or are they wonderful.

Another major factor here is the limiting of downloads via varying methods. First it was Bittorent, where my speeds has been greatly reduced for most of the day, and past about 3-4pm it won't go above 10kbps (wrong transfer units but I have no idea how they work), when I used to get excellent speeds up until mid-2006. This was all well and good, because I can just use IRC to get my "stuff", but now that's seemingly limited as well, so I have no idea what's going on. Although, it could be, again, the time of day.

Thanks a lot :)
Everything I've heard about Be has been excellent.

It's been highly recommended to me by a lot of people on the Xbox forums...particular people on there are using it A LOT, and from everything they've said, there's never really any problems.

I'm currently in the process of switching to yeah...just from what I've heard, but I'm sold on it...
I am with Virgin as I get my internet and tv from them, hand nothing but blocks when I was with companies like Bulldog,, BT and Freeserve so now I avoid phone packages and stick to cable services
The only thing i can think maybe happening is that you could be downloading too much, even if you are on an unlimited connection. Since i noticed the same thing back home with Tiscali, we downloaded too much within a certain time and they put us onto a heavy bandwidth server(or something like that) and since then downloads where hellish during the day and where only working after midnight. Downloads here however never work heh.
Well, I'm getting normal download speeds now, so I guess I can assume that it's the time of day that affects it then... even through IRC -_-. Maybe I should find a way to download stuff through a different port.