BBC Blast, Manga Drawing Workshop on 12th Sep, London


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BBC Blast, Manga Drawing Workshop on 12th Sep, London

BBC Blast on Tour aims to provide free workshops for young people aged 13 - 19, we have an upcoming event at the South Bank in London over the weekend of the 10th to 12th of September.

Blast on Tour takes its mobile media village to around 30 locations each year. With purpose-built digital workshop spaces and a performance area, young people can book into activity led by BBC mentors and industry professionals, or drop in to taster sessions and Q&A’s with celebrity talent.

The event that I thought you might be interested in is our ‘manga character creation’ workshop which is going on Sunday the 12th at 1:45 – 4:30. It's designed to teach young people manga drawing skills and they will get to create their own manga hero character!

Please go to our website to find out more:
I have the suspicion that seasoned manga fans won't constitute the majority of participants in this event. Tourists adore the Beeb, after all.