Battlestar Galactica (2003 version)

I'm a fan, definitely. I haven't exactly seen a lot of it, though; Seen the miniseries and five or six episodes of the first season. I'm trying hard to restrain myself, because I want to see it when the complete box set comes out. My mate tells me how depressing, yet awesome Season 4.5 has been.
Jayme said:
I'm a fan, definitely. I haven't exactly seen a lot of it, though; Seen the miniseries and five or six episodes of the first season. I'm trying hard to restrain myself, because I want to see it when the complete box set comes out. My mate tells me how depressing, yet awesome Season 4.5 has been.

you should definetley watch it, its brilliant, lots of thought provocking stuff in it, can be a little bleak at times, but without giving much away the ending is beautiful
I have watched and thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons. Don't anybody spoil the end for me though, as I'm waiting for the inevetable Blu-ray release of the later seasons (or indeed a boxed set) as I know it was filmed in HD. If the latter stuff was even more depressing than some of Season 2, wonderful. I love a bit more darkness with my sci-fi.
ayase said:
I have watched and thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons. Don't anybody spoil the end for me though, as I'm waiting for the inevetable Blu-ray release of the later seasons (or indeed a boxed set) as I know it was filmed in HD. If the latter stuff was even more depressing than some of Season 2, wonderful. I love a bit more darkness with my sci-fi.

i hope they release on Blu-Ray as well, for now ill get all the DVD's
Any idea when the DVDs for 4.5 are likely to be out in the US? I have all the others now just need those last episodes. For some reason after season 2 I just waited for the DVDs to come out and marathoned them, I think it was because I did not want to break up the story.

If people enjoyed the new Battlestar Galactica stuff look up the older series Space Above And Beyond. Now that was a series that deserved more seasons.
Completely forgot about this thread. Finished the series on Thursday, and wasn't much of a fan of the final episode. Or season, really. Mostly, the final episode... I could probably write a couple of pages worth of reasons why I didn't like the ending, and most of them are questions that could have easily been dealt with in it. The issue of them completely abandoning everything irritates me. They kept the ships under Gaius's pathetic reign on New Caprica, but now they just figure the Cylons won't come back (and obviously, stupidly, they didn't because its our reality now). I hated how they never really said what was special about the Hera. The Adama family split up! Ugh. Just didn't enjoy it after letting the finale soak in.

That being said, the finales of seasons 1, 2 and 3 are of such a high caliber, it makes it easier to forgive. I loved the season 3 finale immensely. "All Along The Watchtower" is an immense song. Season 2's ending, and its continuation into S3 is interesting and fantastic. The trial in season 3 finale was mindblowing. I just had high expectations is all.

I liked the fact that all the characters are a struggle to like, and most of their political decisions are very questionable. Starbuck was my favourite character throughout, with Gaius (and Six) in a close second. I liked some of the arguably filler episodes in the middle of each season, with a bit of focus on their relationships, and the in the earlier seasons, the stress of being in the military. I loved how the supporting characters get developed. I'm a fan of shakey-camera, so I loved that, and I also liked the high contrast colouring used. This isn't even an opinion but, the CGI is, without a doubt, the best on TV. Love love love!

I hated, however, that the Adama/Roslin relationship developed into something romantic. If they absolutely had to go down that path, though: It was handled better than I expected.. And, thinking about it, a lot of the things that happened in S4 I hate hate hated.

Looking forward to Caprica immensely, though! Thinking of watching the TV-Movie-Pilot that's been released.
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I'm up to about season 3 and am really enjoying it. I even started saying frack instead of **** without thinking about it :)
I like a few other sci-fi shows like Firefly and stuff but never really liked Stargate or Star Trek or anything like that.
i got the complete season 1-4 boxset on for about £31 and watched the entire thing in one long run, this dosnt include 4.5 much to my annoyance but after a bit of skullduggery i managed to finish watching the entire thing.

it's great, the finale was ok, not the best but there has been far far worse now awaiting blu-ray release =)
I just finished BSG the other night. I had nearly dropped it around season 3, but I carried on with it and it was well worth it.
Forgot I watched Caprica TV-Movie-Pilot the other day. Really enjoyed it. Terrorism, light-hearted banter, holographic soul snatching - all in 90 minutes. It's look is so different to BSG, its fantastic. Everything about it is.


Should be the best show of 2010.