Battle royale

I liked Battle Royale, but then i read the book and manga and then looking back at the film it felt like the 1st 1 1/2 hour was a quick summary to get to the end.

But yeah it was still good.

(The less talked about 2 the better).
I love Battle Royale, the first one that is, the second one is a decent watch but no where near as good as the original.
I saw the first one and thought it was amazing. Proof of it's popularity would be the fact that a majority of the teachers in the Media department in my college worship the film. As for the second... well I missed the 1st hour or so and I just rememeber switching over the Film4 and seeing a shitload of explosions and rockets flyign everywhere. Maybe it's that I need to watch it through properly, but the 1st is definatly the winner out of the 2 ^^'.
Adore the first film.Some amazing actors in there.Especially Masanobu Ando (Kazuo Kiriyama) and Taro Yamamoto (Shogo Kawada) both of whom play my favourite character. I have to say though, the novel is amazing.It's great that you get to learn about all the other guys and gals in it. It's more satisfying them then being nameless corpses with little backstory.

I have to admit, I didn't mind BRII as much as everyone else seems to do_Obviously no where near as good as the first one, but some interesting characters and stories in there.I didn't particulary like the lead character, Aoi, though.
I saw the first one, as was quite impressed by it. I liked the storyline becuase I thought it was pretty original and well makes you think "wow, what would you do in that situation'. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a bit random at times like when that teacher dies but he then just gets up out of nowhere and sits on the chair and rings someone(or something like that, its been a while.)

I never got to see BR2 bur from what I heard it's not meant to be as good ):
I love the first one; saw it on Film4 a while back and I bought the special edition a few weeks ago but have yet to watch. BR2 I haven't seen and it's on sale in the local DVD store for €12 ... is it worth it?
Battle Royal is an amazing film, I loved it and had high hopes for number two but was unfortunately disappointed byt what came out.

Have yet to read the manga, the size of the series always puts me off starting to collect it
Battle Royal is brilliant! The action, the violence, the concept, Takeshi Kitano! SCORE!

I haven't seen the second movie. I don't know if I ever will.

I'm curious though. If a country did have this lottery and adopted this method of "discipline" would the winners learn from the experience and be against violence and therefore create a better future or would they all be murderous psychos going on the warpath when put back into society after their ordeal?
Seen both films and the first film is very good, the second is average.

Not got around to getting the book or manga yet. Must get round to it sometime.