Battle Royale


Okay, I searched for a few pages for a topic on this movie, but couldn't find anything, so here it is:

What does everyone think of this movie?

I bought and watched it yesterday, and it lived up to the reputation my friend was giving it.

Battle Royale - Saw it last year and loved every second of it. The way the story builds up introducing the fear and anger of each character really makes you feel for them, rather than enjoying a battle kill or be killed movie you do feel for the lesser characters sitting around crying waiting to die. The difference of attacks also helps the film along you have the guy with the cross bow picking off students as they leave the school and contradicting this is the quiet school girl trying to poison the boy her friends save.

Battle Royale Requiem - has a far stronger beginning in my opinion with the school kids being driven and dragged into the army camp, people cheering them on (something you don't see in Battle Royale and makes you not quite believe its a project backed by the government/people). Its too bad it goes a bit fantasy-esq towards the end.
I also really enjoyed Battle Royale, the first film was very well done, but I felt that not enough of the characters back stories were explored enough. Though this would have made the film too long, so maybe it's best that they left it out :?

Before I saw the second film Requiem a lot of people told me it was terrible, but I watched it anyway. It is a good film also, but some parts weren't that good IMO. It's still worth a watch though :D
<3 Battle Royale, one of my favourite if not-- the best movie for me. I love it, Mitsuko should've won, killed so many and owned until that 'tard Kiryama killed her. ;_;

BR:II is watch-worthy but way too exaggerated, and the buddy system I thought, was crap.

I need to buy BR:II on DVD since it's rather cheap on DVD, oh and read the manga, I have volumes 1-4, it's awesome.
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random_pie said:
Lupus Inu said:
BR:II is watch-worthy but way too exaggerated, and the buddy system I thought, was crap.

I quite liked the buddy system... it kept the characters on their toes :p

yeah but it also pointed out how worthless the kids were by saying, if your with a slow partner or one prone to panicking under fire, you might as well put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. It also made the fight easier for the island group as they would only have to hit 50% of the actual targets infront of them.
McIcy said:
It also made the fight easier for the island group as they would only have to hit 50% of the actual targets infront of them.

True, but they wouldn't know who were partners, so they would still have to try and kill them all anyway... although I do see your point.

They would have had known their partners via roll call if they weren't all angsty and scared of fighting instead of following along and playing the game. =<