Battle Royale on tonight 19th


Pokémon Master
For anyone that has missed it;

Battle Royale
4 stars!

Sunday 19 August
11:00pm - 1:15am

Much has been made of the violence in this action thriller from Kinji Fukasaku. The film depicts an annual competition of the future in which, as a lesson to unruly youth, a class of schoolchildren are taken to an island, equipped with various weapons and given just three days to reduce their number to the sole survivor who will then be allowed to rejoin society. Each is fitted with an explosive collar to make sure they play the game - like Survivor but by way of Lord of the Flies. Based on a novel by Koshun Takami, this is a film of contrasting moods, with moments of bleak comedy and grotesque horror being interspersed with genuinely touching insights into teen trauma. It's occasionally ragged, but the characterisation is sharp - particularly Takeshi as a world-weary former teacher who monitors the teenagers' "progress" - and the murderous set pieces are often inspired.
I dunno, I might watch it, though I have it on DVD and I've seen it 463727.23 times... I think I'll watch it for Kou Shibasaki and Chiaki Kuriyama, yeah.
Lol has anyone not watched it?

Count me in, i swear school kids tearing each other to pieces never gets old. Oh and guess what? I DON'T have it on dvd....but my bro does :)

Thanks for the heads up by the way Nyu, much appreciated.
After watching both one and two last night i have to say one is much much much better than two. Two just seemed to drag on.

Also i never knew Japanese school children could resist bullets so well. Half the kids got pumped full of lead and ran about like headless chickens before moving onto the "Death Speach Scene", which there must have been 500 off in this film (A new world record) If we ever goto war again, i'm hope we have some Japanese highschoolers on the front lines.
Agreed, the best thing about 2 is the absolutely cookoo, best death ever school teacher.

I really don't think that guy was acting, they obviously just picked him up from the street and lured him to the studio with rum.
I hadn't seen this movie until last night and Film4 and wow, was I impressed! It was fantastic - loved every second! It's a pity I was faar too tired to watch the second movie, though. Both movies are definately on my "DVDs-to-buy" list, anyway!
Noooooooooo I missed it, i wanted to V+ this and keep it on the hard drive. I wish it was on tonight I could have watched it at work