Bandai president discusses European ambitions


Ghost of Animes
Bandai President Kazunori Ueno has explained in a translated interview his plans for releasing and further establishing anime in Europe.

According to Ueno "... Looking at the overall sales, the European market has finally surpassed the US market. ...Another problem is whether each country's TV stations will air them (anime series like Gundam SEED). ...We are thinking about DVD releases or net-streaming in order to get them out."
its great to hear that European market is getting bigger then the US. I hate the way they get everything and se get nothing and thing look up now.
Once again, the issue of anime on TV crops up and underlines the significance of recent developments. The fact that the anime industry itself is paying close attention to how successful their shows and merchendise are in Europe is most encouraging - it's interesting to see that France is picked out as a particularly successful market.
I find this interesting:

Right now, we're prioritizing the US market for Gundam at the moment. We have yet to perform market research in Europe.

Anyone have any idea how long Market Research takes for a company like Bandai? It's good news to hear about Gundam being a priority in the US (well, for me at least). Maybe they can finally get the rest of the UC sagas out over there...
Probably France and then Italy or the U.K. - I'm not basing that on sales figures or anything, just my gut feeling. :wink:
Germany is outselling the UK market by some margin right now, so with regards to which countries are ahead of us- I think I'd bet on France, Germany and perhaps even Italy being infront of the UK- I'm not sure about Spain.
Well to be fair, anime in the UK is still seen through the stereotypes at the moment, whereas in places like France, it's been quite popular for some time now. It's understandable there'd be better sales there.
Maybe Bandai could help get their European coverage up a bit if Beez could get round to finishing the other parts of their website that aren't in French. It's been under construction since last year!
Hybridchild said:
Its been under constriuction since at least 2002!

That long? I first visited their site back in May last year! Surely it can't be difficult to get a couple of pages up to let people in their respective countries know that Beez is still interested in a market outside France?
On the back of new Beez UK DVDs they are listing a new website address...

I assume that when a new site is finally launched (and I've been told that one is coming), it will be at that new address. Hopefully it won't be too long a wait!