Azumi, Azumi 2

is Azumi and its sequel any good, I was just confused that Azumi was £17 in HMV and Azumi 2 was like a 5'er.... :p I dont countlessley watch my DVDs over and over so is it worth it?
i saw azumi and i thought it was ok..not the greatest but not the worst film i have seen..yet to see azumi 2 so i can't really say..though i may do at some point soon
Seen and got both.

I agree with the above sentiments, there good but not the greatest films you'll ever see (but better than you're average Hollywood blockbusters).

The first one is better in my opinion than the second (subtitled 'Death or Love' for all the title enthusiasts out there!).

I think its better rounded.

The second isn't bad though, but it lacks a small something the first had.

If you can get them cheap (which you can by the way) they'll be worth a small investment (also, if you like Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 then you'll like these). :)

Hope that helps.
Didn't like Kill Bill, so probably won't get them.

I loved Versus (same director), although really it's a movie you can only really watch once. It's got a plot probably written by a 4 year old with ADD, but the action... All I can say is Zombie Yakuza's with guns ROCK!

When I found out that Devil May Cry 3 had the same action director, all of a sudden it *clicked* why the action was so awesome. Plus DMC 3 being a game means it can get away with large parts of insane violence and lack of storyline. :mrgreen:
Versus was quite good..and cheesy at the same time..and i agree.only something you can watch once. I forgot though that it was the same director :?
I know a Versus 2 is being made (big budget apparently - the polar opposite to the first film) but isn't there a "new" edition of the first Versus film called 'Versus 1.5'? Its got newly shot sequences intergrated into the original film?

Also another film by the same director is Sky High (not to be confused with the Hollywood film about a teenage superheo school by the way) which I think is as good as the first Azumi film.
Rukario said:
Doesn't Azumi have Chiaki Kuriyama in it? <333

Yep Chiaki played Kozue in Azumi 2, Aya Ueto played Azumi in both movies.
P.S. Has anyone seen the 2 Lady Snowblood movies which QT used as insperation for some of the scenes in Kill Bill they were made in the early 70's and are similer to Shogun Asssassin aka - the Baby Cart series. I felt the The first Lady Snowblood was good but the second not so.
mikeormy said:
Azumi is on Film Four this week, Thursday night at 12.35. You can watch it first and if you like it buy it.
I was just about to mention that. You beat me to it! :p Not seen this yet, but I'll try and remember to tape it.
McIcy said:
Azumi is being released at the cinema, the trailer is here: ... i/trailer/
It think that's in the US. We've already got it and its sequal on DVD over here.

Nothing to do with Azumi, but I still wonder if America will ever see a release of Battle Royale? It's not that controversial, and they've already got the manga and the book over there without any problems!
Ushio said:
mikeormy said:
Azumi is on Film Four this week, Thursday night at 12.35. You can watch it first and if you like it buy it.
I was just about to mention that. You beat me to it! :p Not seen this yet, but I'll try and remember to tape it.
McIcy said:
Azumi is being released at the cinema, the trailer is here: ... i/trailer/
It think that's in the US. We've already got it and its sequal on DVD over here.

Nothing to do with Azumi, but I still wonder if America will ever see a release of Battle Royale? It's not that controversial, and they've already got the manga and the book over there without any problems!

Looks like it may be a re-release due to the popularity of films like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and Crouching kitty Hiding lizard
McIcy said:
Looks like it may be a re-release due to the popularity of films like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and Crouching kitty Hiding lizard
Cool. Couldn't help notice that it's Urban Vision, who don't seem to release anime that often anymore :cry: (in the US that is)

Maybe they'll be sticking with the live action stuff more.