Avatar Book 3 : Fire


Vampire Ninja
This isnt really an anime so i thought id post it in this section.
Not sure if anyone else on here watches this but ive watched it for a long time and been waiting atleast 8 months for the new season to come out and finaly it has. Released yesterday was the first episode of Book 3 and its already starting to look good. Cant wait till the next episode, its gonna be awesome.
Yep i caught it yesterday - great start its just a shame we have to wait a week for each new episode!
I love avatar - along with pokemon its what got me into anime, especially since its one of the most adult cartoon/anime things out in the west at the moment. It really sparked my interest and got me looking for more "serious" animation.
Yer i know what you meen, i was watching this at the same time as naruto and loved it. Atleast its only a week till a new episode (i think?) in the last season at one point i had to wait for weeks.