AUKN Photo Albums!?!


Stand User
i just googled my name "skikes" through random boredness and 1 of the first links was to my photo album on this forum... I DIDNT EVEN NO I HAD 1!

it only had afew pics on from when i was like 15 lol

...after awhile i figured out how to use it(again appearantly lol) and uploaded lots of pics :)

but it also made me think that like no1 uses it, its actually pretty cool. you guys should give it try, nice feature! and it wud save us from having continuous topics about are funny pics and pictures of ourselves....

the only thing i would suggest that maybe a link below avatars to the personnal albums wudnt go a miss if possible to make it more accessable.
Haha, I just remembered about those and had a look. Very young pictures I might add xD

It is a really good feature, though not many people can be bothered with it.