Last year, the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama's <em>Attack On Titan</em> dystopian dark fantasy manga became a cultural hit, grabbing worldwide attention. This success has seen the release of spin-off manga, light novels, a video game, a live-action movie that's still in production and now, anime movies. The official website for the anime announced today that the events of the first television series will be retold through two compilation movies: <em>Attack On Titan Part 1: Crimson Bow And Arrow</em>, which will open in Japan this winter and retell the story of the series' first thirteen episodes and <em>Attack On Titan Part 2: Wings of Freedom</em>, which will follow the events of episodes 14-25 when it is released next year.
Lead cast members Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager), Yui Ishikawa (Misaka Ackerman) and Marina Inoue (Armin Arlelt) have been confirmed as reprising their roles from the TV series for the movies, which will feature a new dub and a 5.1ch remaster.
Manga Entertainment UK have licensed the <em>Attack On Titan</em> TV anime and are releasing it in the United Kingdom later this year.
Lead cast members Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager), Yui Ishikawa (Misaka Ackerman) and Marina Inoue (Armin Arlelt) have been confirmed as reprising their roles from the TV series for the movies, which will feature a new dub and a 5.1ch remaster.
Manga Entertainment UK have licensed the <em>Attack On Titan</em> TV anime and are releasing it in the United Kingdom later this year.