Assassins Creed II


Anyone else here playing it?

I've been playing it since yesterday and daaaamn it's awesome. I couldnt find a thread on this when I done a Forum search, but sorry if one was already made.

I bought the Sp. Edition Game (No figure), does anyone remember where it said the Arsenal Shipyard is? I've forgot and wanna check it out lol.
Maxon said:
I plan to buy it at some point soon since I've heard good things about it from a friend I trust alot when it comes to games.

Yeah. It improves on AC1 in every way. AC1 was fun at first, but got repetitive and boring after about 3 assassinations. In AC2 they've moved way less attention on Assassinations and way more on the whole story. I felt in AC1 (with the massively lengthy cutscene after every assassination) too much attention was on it, when it wasn't really that hard.

This game is close to perfection (bar a few free-running parts when i'm trying to catch a pickpocket. It's hard to keep up without falling from a rooftop and hurting yourself).
Surprisingly good so far, Ezio is a decent character, far better to Altair in every way, I actually care about the story, everything in my 4 hour play through so far has been a plus... expect the climbing still isn't that great.
Lupus said:
Surprisingly good so far, Ezio is a decent character, far better to Altair in every way, I actually care about the story, everything in my 4 hour play through so far has been a plus... expect the climbing still isn't that great.

Yeah the climbing hasn't changed. I dont think it's terrible mind. Just, I can't figure out where all the side quests have gone... The delivery/beat up etc.
I'm on sequence five right now myself, this game is honestly way better than the first, I've put like six hours into it and I'm yet to be bored and feel I must force myself to put more time into it to get it over with. The story is another based on revenge, not entirely original but I do welcome it considering the lead isn't an emotionless shell. I also really like Leonardo da Vinci, he's a really good support character, Mario is alright too... still can't believe UbiSoft made him say "It's-a-me, Mario!" to Ezio though.
I'm playing through it, but at a slow pace since I've been addicted to Dissidia recently. I'm up to the mission most of you have seen in pre-launch gameplay videos where you use one of Leonardo's flying contraptions to land on that palace rooftop.
Maxon said:
Can it be played without playing the first one? Will I miss anything, plot-wise?

Nothing huge, it's not as bad as skipping a Metal Gear Solid game for example. You play as a new character in this one so although the previous story is connected, there are not that many references to it. I've not completed it yet though, so for all I know the ending will make no sense if you've never played the first one, but I doubt that.
First ten minutes of the game summarizes the first games events and plot anyway, so yeah, the first one isn't needed, unless you want to play it just to compare the differences.
Just finished Sequence 10, got all bar 1 of the Codex pages, got all bar 1 of the Seals, 20/100 Feathers, own all the upgrades I could buy for the Villa and have 3 Glyphs found. I also have all bar about 8 of the View points sync'd.

Daaaamn i'm addicted to this 8)

Gonna do the Shipyard Arsenal bonus Level soon too.

@Lupus: Mario disappears for a while now ;)

@Maxon: Nah, I didn't finish the first one. It got crap.
Finally completed this and got all the Trophies (which meant I had to complete it twice as i missed the flyswatter mission)

Now we all have to wait for the missing chapters to be released as DLC's as the game jumps from DNA sequence 11 to 14. One of the missing sequences is due for release at the end of January
I am loving this game right now, the freedom it gives kinda feel's like MGS back in time. A real good mix of action story and gizmo's.
Just starting sequence 5. Enjoyed the first game but can't get over how much better this one is. It's the first game I've played in ages where I've wanted to go around to find all the bonus stuff, like the glyphs, codex pages, feathers etc. Hoping that more info about the sequel coming out later this year is released soon. :] (Anyone else love Leonardo a wee bit too much? or is it just me..)
I got 1000/1000 last night on it, had to use a guide for the feathers, it took me like six hours to go from 34 feathers to 100. Also, Leonardo is a true bro.
Completed this a week or so ago with 90% of the trophies. Great game! :D

Just noticed some downloadable content just appeared this week... I'm tempted.