Assasin's Creed: Brotherhood


Assasin's Creed: Brotherhood

Anyone else looking forward to it?
I've complained about the amount of silver trophies AC:2 gives for the easiest tasks but only gives bronze trophies for hard tasks (like collecting 100 feathers).

However, I've recently completed the game for myself and I have to say, despite its backwards trophy reward system, the story was excellent, the gameplay was fluid and fast, graphically: its very good, the lip sync is just slightly off, but you hardly notice after prolonger gaming. The abilities and perks they brought to the table were fun and improved the game tenthfold.

Such upgrades were:
The ability to upgrade armour
Buy new weapons
Buy new armour
Buy paintings
Buy upgrades for your villa
Have a steady income that increases the more that you increase the villa's worth.
along with other hidden weapon upgrades.

Now, The third game encorps:
Multiplayer modes
The ability to send assasins to other countries to fulfil missions for you

actually, just check out the link :p