Art of Osamu Tezuka nominated for Harvey Award


The Boss
British writer and curator of the Barbican's Japanimation series, <b>Helen McCarthy</b>'s <b><i>The Art of Osamu Tezuka</i></b> was nominated for a HArvey Award in the <i>Best American Edition of Foreign Material</i> category.
The other nominees are <i>"Manga Kamishibai"</i>, by Eric P. Nash; <i>"The Photographer"</i>, by Emmanuel Guibert, Didier LeFevre and Frederic Lemercier; <i>"PLUTO: Urasawa X Tezuka"</i>, by Naoki Urasawa and Takashi Nagasaki & <i>"20th Century Boys"</i>, by Naoki Urasawa.
Awesome, this book is gorgeous an deserves every award going! I also have a special place in my heart for Ms McCarthy as is was her 'Anime World' column in old SNES mag Super Play that made me first look into this anime thing! She is awesome.
I've met her at the Barbican sessions, she's a really nice person and without a doubt, the most well informed person I've ever met, anime-wise.

The category is a though one though. Pluto & 20th century boys are also amazing. Good luck to her!