To be specific, the Arrancar are in the story during seasons 6-14. However, seasons 9, 13 are filler arcs.
Season 6-8 are episodes 110-167, while seasons 10-12 are episodes 190-229 and season 14 is episodes 266-316. So that's 146 episodes of Arrancar.
In terms of length comparison with Dragonball Z; going by the manga, Dragonball (including DBZ) is 42 volumes long, and Bleach is currently ongoing with 52 volumes. So yeah, Bleach is longer. I'd guess the main reason why people assume Dragonball is so long is because a lot of the newer fans weren't very old when Dragonball was still released, so there's a lot of catching up to do; whereas Bleach is still being released weekly, so it doesn't seem so long.
Also, the anime really did draw out the Dragonball Z fights 9.9.