Anime Related Novelties


Thousand Master
Ok Possibly should Be in Marketplace butJust wondering Does Anyone know of a good reliable Online UK Store That Sells Anime Novelties like Alarm Clocks & other Such things.

Just Wondering Cause i found a Couple kinda cool Alarm Clocks From Katekyo hitman Reborn


y2007522161757.jpg mainly have Minitures and figures, but they do stock a select amount of other things:- Key rings, bags, hats, wall scrolls etc.

Other than that, or have a selection themselves.
And btw, the guy in the Banana-yellow clock is a crossbreed of Tai (Digimon) and Hige (Wolf's Rain).... Sad thing is, it's the same V.Actor! XD
Tsuna and Reborn clocks. So. .Very. . .Awesome.

Apart from the two previous dealers mentioned I can't think of anything, It might be worth your time to import something if you really need/want it.
Those clocks are very cool! I wish there were versions of that clock with art from Eva or FMA or something I've actually watched. Your best bet for finding them is probably eBay!
I'll give a second (or third :p) recommendation for I've got a fair bit of stuff from there over the years, and the prices usually shave a couple of pounds off of buying in dedicated UK retailers or ebay sellers who both typically play on the UK market's ignorance of the actual retail price of what you're getting. If I had one criticism though, it's that the company is a bit too on the ball. That's to say that where you might hear about something older, cool and in low quantities on the net, you're more likely to get it from the dusty shelves of a UK based stockist than hlj, which gets rid of such stock very quickly due to its popularity and interest in stocking the new and in demand items.

However, if you're really keeping up to date with the merchandise coming out in Japan (some anime blogs report hobby trade shows and similar events that showcase what is coming out), is a brilliant option for getting something months before it gets imported to the UK for some ludicrously inflated price.