Anime Podcasts


Completely Average High School Student
The way I manage to get myself through the working week, is by listening to a selection of podcasts (mostly of a gaming nature). However, I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good podcasts regarding anime/manga. In fact, while you're here, any podcasts you can recommend would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Currently, anime wise, I listen to (on itunes):
- Daizenshuu EX The Podacast (A Dragonball podcast)
- Anime World Order (General Anime)

I watch The Funimation Update (itunes)

I have also listened to the first podcast that they recently did at
Thanks, I checked out the Anime New Order podcast today. It was ok, something to get me through the day at least. I'll have to check out the others.
Thanks for your reply.