Last month, Anime Limited released the complete season of Brain Base's 2010 anime adaptation of Ryohgo Narita's <em>Durarara!!</em> supernatural light-novel series on blu-ray, making the series available for the first time in the United Kingdom on the high definition format and with an English dub. Since release though, some reviewers and consumers have noticed that the release has a couple of errors, such as the lack of a signs track and occasional subtitle dropping.
Anime Limited have released a statement on the issue, indicating that the source of the error was on the end of Siren Visual in Australia and companies aren't happy with the issue. In response, Anime Limited will be re-authoring the series on blu-ray and will be offering a replacement program for people who have already purchased the release. The upcoming DVD release of the series has also be been delayed until a currently undetermined date, to allow these fixes to be present on that release.
Anime Limited have released a statement on the issue, indicating that the source of the error was on the end of Siren Visual in Australia and companies aren't happy with the issue. In response, Anime Limited will be re-authoring the series on blu-ray and will be offering a replacement program for people who have already purchased the release. The upcoming DVD release of the series has also be been delayed until a currently undetermined date, to allow these fixes to be present on that release.