anime characters u wish u could kill?


Combat Butler
ever wished u could just kill off a anime character that is ruining u favorite show? i have just been watching some naruto and bleach and i realised that if naruto, sakura and sasuke were killed off i would be a lot happier. natruo is loud and annoying, sasuke is a brooding emo kid and sakura..... well what she brings to the table i don't know.she's that useless. thank god for the rest of the cast who make up for the ****** main characters! the only character in bleach that annoys me is that pink haired midget who has a annoying voice! what shows do you love but would happily get rid of a annoying character to make it better?
If you killed off the three main characters in Naruto you wouldn't have Naruto anymore though. Also the pink haired girl in Bleach doesn't exactly turn up all that often later on you know, i don't think she's appeared in the manga for a year almost possibly even longer.

I don't think I wish i could kill off any characters, in previous topics I've mentioned characters i despise though
You could still have the show about the hidden leaf village and the ninas living in it. you could also give more background to the other characters who haven't had much of a chance to shine so far.
But it wouldn't be the same, the whole storyline revolves around Naruto, and Sasuke and their respective journeys. As good as Kakashi is he couldn't shoulder it all, Naruto is a likable protangotnist, once you get used to him.
lol, hold on. In "Naruto", you wan't to kill off "Naruto". What would the show be called d00d?

Please don't say "Shadow Jutsu dude". That name is lame.
Haha, its understandable to dislike protagonists but you also have to respect they are necessary to tell the story. As BW said, the whole point of Naruto is the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. Without them, the story has no back bone. The world might have many other stories, but they aren't Naruto.

I've never really vehemently hated character either. It's usually never a characters fault (its the writers) and hopefully they do get redeemed at some stage. If its necessary to the story anyway.
i could actually see myself liking natruo if his voice in the english dub was any good! i mean the character stands up for what he belives in and i respect that but i just hate the over top of the character
Meet the shonen protagonist. In the world of giant toads, magic and jumpsuit wearing ninjas - its how OTT the main character is that makes you not believe in it.
Jayme said:
I've never really vehemently hated character either. It's usually never a characters fault (its the writers)
Love it.

"It's not your fault Bill. Sure, you kidnap young women then starve, kill and skin them - but it's Thomas Harris's fault for writing Silence of The Lambs. If he hadn't you never would have done any of that stuff."
Jayme said:
Meet the shonen protagonist. In the world of giant toads, magic and jumpsuit wearing ninjas - its how OTT the main character is that makes you not believe in it.
A shonen hero must do their best! It's written in stone doncha know. Ganbarimasu!

I met the English actor who voices Naruto, she was very nice. ^^

(and yeah, you could totally kill Sasuke off and it'd be a much better series imo :twisted: )
I take it you've only seen Gundam SEED, the Haro's in that are annoying but they are only fulfilling a mascot role like in other Gundams although they are far more useful in the other seasons, being able to pilot the gundams included.
Did you just call Haro Harbio?. One must rage at you sir.

As for characters i wish dead? Probably none actually, bar the ones which are intentionally designed to be hateable. People say Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are not very good characters and such, but i beg to differ, at least for Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke is a bit boring now i will admit, but the other two have grown to be far better characters than you may give them credit for.
I follow the manga, so i dunno how well Shippuden approaches it, however, both Naruto and Sakura become stronger and better characters. That is noticeable even with the first series, but it shows through more in them in shippuden/part 2.
ayase said:
Jayme said:
I've never really vehemently hated character either. It's usually never a characters fault (its the writers)
Love it.

"It's not your fault Bill. Sure, you kidnap young women then starve, kill and skin them - but it's Thomas Harris's fault for writing Silence of The Lambs. If he hadn't you never would have done any of that stuff."
I'll acknowledge that the line came out stupider than I intended, but there's a point there somewhere. The examples I normally would give I tend to ignore on here, this place being an anime forum and all.