Anime and Manga in the North East

Hi guys,

We are looking to start up a business in the north east of england, possibly in the Sunderland area, selling anime, manga etc.

We want to know where the majority of fans live who would like to see a store in their local area.

Any and all views and opinions are appreciated.
MattAndMacsManga said:
Hi guys,

We are looking to start up a business in the north east of england, possibly in the Sunderland area, selling anime, manga etc.

We want to know where the majority of fans live who would like to see a store in their local area.

Any and all views and opinions are appreciated.
A specialised Anime/Manga shop doesn't usually work. Even when large companies do it. (see Orbital Manga)

Don't just sell Anime/Manga, sell some vidya, comic books/graphic novels, cult TV/Movies. Sell some Pokémon and Yugioh stuff and hold tourneys. Think like a small Forbidden Planet.

Definately open up an online shop like up1 did. And, probably the best idea I have, IMPORT SOME REGION 1 STUFF!! There's only a handful of places that ship R1 anime to the UK and there's loads of shows that haven't been licensed in the UK.

But, sorry, that's not really what you asked, but I personally feel a small Anime/Manga shop isn't really gonna take off. :(
Yeah, independent geeks shops are definitely more likely to break even and a bit more if they widen it. Be a comic book store, with an emphasis on manga, anime and pop culture.
Thank you for the advice. Like you said we are aiming for something like a small forbidden planet, there isn't anything like it in this area. There are places up in Newcastle but nothing anywhere else in the region (that we know of).

p.s. we too know the frustration of trying to get region 1 stuff lol
Jayme said:
Yeah, independent geeks shops are definitely more likely to break even and a bit more if they widen it. Be a comic book store, with an emphasis on manga, anime and pop culture.
You mean Japanese pop culture? Because Anime and Manga have nothing to do with getting shirts on or cabs being here :lol:
Be a bit of Forbidden Planet, and Tokyo Toys in the North East and you might have a business that will last. Good Luck. :wink:
Paradox295 said:
You mean Japanese pop culture? Because Anime and Manga have nothing to do with getting shirts on or cabs being here :lol:
I'm kind of confused. I just meant pop culture, not specifically of the Japanese kind. I think American pop culture geeks also spend more money on crap since the audience is a bit older.
Jayme said:
Paradox295 said:
You mean Japanese pop culture? Because Anime and Manga have nothing to do with getting shirts on or cabs being here :lol:
I'm kind of confused. I just meant pop culture, not specifically of the Japanese kind. I think American pop culture geeks also spend more money on crap since the audience is a bit older.
We have entirely different definitions of 'pop culture' :lol:
Paradox295 said:
Jayme said:
Music, films, tv is pop culture to me... in the wider spectrum, its also Jersey Shore.
Hm, I think pop culture is popular culture, ie, stuff that's popular and not cult.
There are academic studies into Buffy and popular culture, and that's a cult show - and known by everyone. Stuff like Shaun Of The Dead is arguably a cult film, and yet that is shown every week on ITV2. I tend to use it as a general term for all media since that's what places like Entertainment Weekly do. It's a debatable term since technically all it means is "stuff that isn't high culture".

I wouldn't exactly call comics cult as such either: Bats, Spidey, Supes... they aren't cult characters.

I think its broader than that and has evolved, "indie" music isn't always independent. You can also have pop musicians who aren't popular.
I always found it quite surprising that there was no shop of this ilk in the MetroCentre. I guess rates are too expensive for this type of store there. Surprising considering how many shops you never actually seem to see anyone in, in those villages.
Thanks for all the tips and advice guys much appreciated

and I agree BAKA the metrocentre should have a store like this really since there are tons of shops that always seem empty
In terms of anime and manga in the North-East, the town you'd probably want to target the most may want to be Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough currently the holds the North East Manga and Anime Convention (Nemacon) so there is an interest concerning anime and manga in the area. The town however, already has a Forbidden Planet in it.

The next Nemacon is being held in on 18th-19th June.
Did Travelling Man in Newcastle close? If it didn't, I'd say that would be some competition to look at. If it did, that probably shows you can't make a go of it.