Anime and japanese culture events in the coming weeks


The Boss
12-23 May, Bath, UK: <a target="_blank" href=",%20events%20in%20Bath%20and%20Bristol" title="BJF2010" class="wpgallery">Bath Japanese Festival</a>, events in Bath & Bristol
20 May 2010, Norwich, UK: <a target="_blank" href="" title="TeaNor" class="wpgallery">&lsquo;Making Tea Japanese&rsquo; </a>Third Thursday lecture, Sainsbury Foundation
21-23 May, London, UK: <a target="_blank" href="" title="BFIMay2010" class="wpgallery">BFI Anime Weekend</a> &ndash; some great films on offer.
22 May, London, UK: <a target="_blank" href="" title="YYPB" class="wpgallery">Yona Yona Penguin at the Barbican</a>.
23 May, London, UK: <a target="_blank" href="" title="JapGarParty" class="wpgallery">Japanese Garden Party</a> in Hammersmith Park
29-30 May, London: <a target="_blank" href="" title="MCMExpo" class="wpgallery">London Movie, Comic & Media Expo,</a> large commercial anime/manga/sf/fantasy/gaming/collectors&rsquo; fair.
<a href="">From Helen McCarthy's blog</a>