Animax Launches in... Africa


Death Scythe
As the title says, Animax is launching in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe later this year on an African satellite channel. The Portuguese Animax channel has been extended to Portuguese speaking African countries Angola and Mozanbique as well.

I can understand South Africa, but the others, there's just something up with that, unless this satellite channel covers those area's whether Sony are wanting it covered or not. I guess this gives more hope to it being launched over here though, if it can be launched in Africa.

lol they sure get around. I don't mind so much because we're getting an anime channel anyway and somebody can only watch on channel properly at once. Plus I’m more interested in anime on DVD than on TV.
But are there big communities of anime fans in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe? :shock:
Kinda strange.... oh well.
Well, I'm guessing that the stereotypical view of Africa as being just one big rural mass that's 100 years behind the rest of the world obviously isn't all that true! I'm guessing that this channel will serve the major cities in thoses countries, though.
CitizenGeek said:
Well, I'm guessing that the stereotypical view of Africa as being just one big rural mass that's 100 years behind the rest of the world obviously isn't all that true! I'm guessing that this channel will serve the major cities in thoses countries, though.

As far as I can see, South Africa is the only exception. I know Zimbabwe is developed to some extent, because of the pictures we see from its ongoing 'hyper-inflation'. I guess the other countries are also as developed as Zimbabwe, but without the hyper-inflation.
Andrew and Hugh (Beez and ADV) were atlking about when , rather than if animax was going to come to the UK. They also gave the impression that it could be in an entirely different league to Anime Central and Anime Network. They also mentioned that Sony had taken an interest in Ultimate Hellsing.
I wouln't be supprised if this knocked a few people away from buying a PS3.

I'm not buying it cuz of it's ludicrous price tag but if that price tag was less ludicrous then I wouln't buy it cuz Sony like Africa more than Britian.

Ergo; they can 'f themselves.

Only way I'd watch (eventual) brittish Animax? Uncut English CCS, One Piece, YGO and what have you.
They exist and anything that gives Odex money is sure to go past them.
Not such a surprise for me, i had a friend a little while back from Africa who was an anime fan, he had first got into anime from what he had watched on tv.
I guess we do have a misconception of alot of Africa
I think it will launch in someway or another. In my own opinion most likely an on demand service through Cable, IPTV or Xbox Live.

I don't think animecentral have scuppered the channel. I personally would love to see Animax as a general animation channel with the best in anime and comedy.

SPT do have a great working relationship with adult swim US they make the Boondocks, Robot Chicken and Moral Orel (well the last two is their stop motion animation studio).
Aye i mirror the "not that surprised crowd", although Africa isnt exactly the most economically developed of countries its not like what all of the Oxfam adverts make it out to be: dirt dirt and more dirt. There are cities and for there to be cities there have to be some relatively well off people who demand some creature comforts.

Anyways my friend who lives in Zambia will be pleased, i introduced her to Princess Mononoke a while back so maybe she'll introduce me to some new animes by the time i see her next. :D
hopeful_monster said:
J_C_X said:
I think it will launch in someway or another. In my own opinion most likely an on demand service through Cable, IPTV or Xbox Live.
Xbox Live? A Sony channel? Maybe on this thing they are planning on the PS3.

There is several SPT shows on Xbox Live, different devisions have different interests.
At this point, I have no reason to believe that Sony ever want to give us animax.

They want thier 599us dolar machene to work first and as everyone knows, that's as sure as hell not happening and not happening fast enough for them to like.
Animax.....hmmm i dunno, what with the freeview add-on being released in Europe early 2008 (can't wait!) i wouldnt be surprised if Sony unveiled its plans to release animax over in europe at the same time.
I'm not gonna go questing for stats but i think the PS3 is selling better in Europe than it is USA. Besides the fact that the EU is getting something before the US for once shows that Sony do at least acknowledge that theres money to be made in Europe.

Anyways sales aside they're really pushing the "multimedia hub" of the PS3 right now with GPS, Freeview and loads of others goodies unveiled for next year so if they're going to release it over here that would be the best time.

If not then........who knows? :)