Angel Cop Condensed! The greatest anime of all time?


Ghost of Animes
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Probably the pinnacle of dialogue in anime, it doesn't get much more sophisticated than this. Seriously for a moment, it's sad to think Manga Ent. released this dub (it's 100% authentic) all those years ago to an unsuspecting public. No wonder people still think anime is all violence and swearing, eh? Anyway, enjoy, now you know what "eighteening" means :)

"**** and piss" is the best!
If were going down the condensed route here are a few
Cyber City 808 condensed
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And of course the classic Yugioh the Abridged Series
Can't beat the absolute Britishness of:

"Wake up you slothenly git"

Thing is with Cyber City though, I actually really like it (I like Angel Cop too, but it's obviously terrible by any normal standards) :) It's everything that I loved about those 80s\90s OVAs; action-packed, violent and world-weary, far off science fiction. It has a nice soundtrack too :)
It can't beat the poetic dubbing of Violence Jack.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Paul said:
Thing is with Cyber City though, I actually really like it (I like Angel Cop too, but it's obviously terrible by any normal standards) :) It's everything that I loved about those 80s\90s OVAs; action-packed, violent and world-weary, far off science fiction. It has a nice soundtrack too :)

Thats what I was gonna say :lol:

In fact I actually liked anime so much at 1st because of the swearing, couldn't stop laughing, I'd never seen anything like it. Add the violence to that and I had found exactly what I was looking for :D

Thus why I love Devilman.
Mm Benten.

Showed my fiancé those clips by the way and now he's making fun of me for having Cyber City on DVD (as well as VHS)...oh well :)

Actually considering grabbing Angel Cop sometimes now too, one of the few Manga releases of the era I somehow dodged. The recoil part kills me.

Nostalgia is a scary thing.

Paul said:
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I would rather watch something like this and thoroughly enjoy it than the majority of new anime out this season.