While it's not anime, Fox Entertainment will soon be releasing the acclaimed American animation anthology Broken Saints in the UK on the 21st of August. If you're interested, take a look at the press release below and look out for an article spotlighting Broken Saints coming to Anime UK News soon.<ul class="menu">"In today’s age of technology, the only limit to imagination is the vastness of imagination itself. With Broken Saints, writer/director Brooke Burgess and his small team of self-taught mavericks almost single-handedly transformed their creative vision into a strange and beautiful narrative reality… a Flash-animated graphic novel epic that transcends its roots on the Web to become one of the most celebrated cult masterpieces of the digital era. Told in byte-size installments over the course of three years, the entire 24-episode Broken Saints saga is now assembled in a comprehensive four-disc collector’s set DVD."</ul><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewpress.php?showarticle=97">Click here to read more.</a>