Alcon, London Anime & London Gaming 2011 Conventions


Stand User


Registrations are open for London Anime Con III at Rocket Complex on 30th - 31st July 2011 from 11am right through to 1am in the morning! Go signup now at to secure your place! Pricing will be at a reduced £15 for two days or £8 for one day if you pre-pay now! This is our 1,000 person event for all 18+ anime and gaming fans alike, run by fans for fans! We have video gaming, an artist alley, a karaoke lounge, an anime bar/cinema, manga workshops, cosplay workshops, japanese culture talks, origami workshops, five awesome live-music planned, more guests, panels and events than you can shake a stick of pocky at(including staples such as the Cosplay Masquerade, DDR tournament, Otaku Fashion Show and Pub Quiz), and two massive night-time parties planned till midnight each night and MUCH MORE (phew - so much to do!)

To view photos from previous events:Click Here.



Last but certainly not least, we can give you all an update on our event of the year - Alcon 2011 at De Montfort University in Leicester (see, it pays to read these to the end!). Registrations for Alcon will open next week (expect a massive website update then as well!) We can confirm now that dates will be Thursday 8th- Sunday 11th September. The big news is that the event will run at 16+ again. So, if you're 16 or 17 you can start planning now for this event anime and gaming event in Leicester! You can view last year's information at Alcon is similar to London Anime Con, but double the length and with even more events and guests. Make sure to put this one in your calendar, folks!



Registrations have opened for London Gaming Con, taking place at the Rocket Complex on 26th to 27th November 2011 from 11am right through to 1am in the morning! This will be a 1,000-person 18+ gaming event run by fans for fans, with the aim of bringing the London Video Gaming community's many groups (such as Neo Empire, NthGen and DS:London amongst many others) together! Go signup now for that at to secure your place! Pricing will be a reduced £15 for two days or £8 for one day if you pre-pay now, or £10 for on the door. Expect to see a tonne of events, guests, talks, tournaments, parties groups and live-music galore! Zones and areas will include Handheld gaming, Retro, LAN Gaming, Fighting, DDR, Tabletop, Karaoke, Anime/Cartoon Chillout, The Art Corner and much more. There will be a wide range of exibitors to buy your latest video gaming and cult/nerd-related goodies. Showcase of the event will be the Ultimate Gamer Challenge; everyone will have a chance to enter a series of tournaments to find the best all-round gamer in the UK! Make sure to get this event in your calendar now, it will be one that you must not miss!