Ah! My Goddess!


Brigade Leader
Ah! My Goddess!
I’ve not seen a thread on this anime but apologies in advance if I missed it.

Have seen many manga books on this series recently and the anime looked intriguing. I wondered if anyone here had watched the anime and could give me their opinion on it? I read the animeuknews.net review and it seemed positive and makes me contemplate buying volume 1. Is it along the same lines of humour that Chobits has?
Basicly if you like series like Tench! and Chobits then you should watch it. It's basicly the same idea... boy meets extra ordinary girl/s, they go on crazy adventures while also carrying out everyday life. Something bad happens and then everything is ok again... It's a good watch if you like these series, if not, then if anything it's something easy to pass the time with ^_^
Just like its been said theres nothing realy special about this anime. Pretty much exactly like chobits and tenchi only its about gods and not robots or demons. If I had to rate this anime it would probably get a 3 star and that being nice
Voddas said:
Basicly if you like series like Tench! and Chobits then you should watch it.
No. I love Chobits, and Tenchi was passable. There's no way in hell anyone should watch it if they liked either.
Pomtry said:
Just like its been said theres nothing realy special about this anime. Pretty much exactly like chobits and tenchi only its about gods and not robots or demons.
Excuse me while I bang my head against a brick wall. The only part you have right is that it was nothing special.
lol, interesting debate this!

I love Chobits but might wait to see Ah! My Goddess via other means before buying a DVD of it incase I don't take to it then.

Thanks for all the opinions!
I'll be brief. The OAV moves too quickly and seems rather rushed and the newer TV series is too stretched out and long winded. The movie however I found to be really very good, it has a decent story and shows Belldandy doesn't have to be portrayed as a complete doormat all the time and can actually have a backstory. Watch the movie if anything.
Sy said:
I'll be brief. The OAV moves too quickly and seems rather rushed and the newer TV series is too stretched out and long winded. The movie however I found to be really very good, it has a decent story and shows Belldandy doesn't have to be portrayed as a complete doormat all the time and can actually have a backstory. Watch the movie if anything.

thanks for the tip!
I love the anime, although belle Dandy does get on my nerves with her niaivity. But her two sisters always make me smile with there antics
I'm only just getting into this series. I got the first 2 manga volumes a while ago although like a load of manga I have they've sat unread. *Why do I have so much to do :(*

Akaten said:
The OVAs are only two quid each on the MVM shop, well worth a gander for that price.

Yeah I grabbed them a while ago. I personally think they're quite good if you can get over the dated feel of them.
Skuld... very few characters tend to annoy me, she just takes the biscuit I hate her :lol:.

I haven't seen the movie, but the series is enjoyable thus far

Chobits over this imo, but yeh I can see some similarities.
Ah! My Goddess! is the only anime my friend has ever watched, and he is sure to this day that it was porn. Odd.

I'd like to see it, as it's one of the classics.
Ah My Goddess just seems at times to hit the right mark with my sense of humour.

I know Belle Dandy is a bit naive and too good to be true at times, but the others bring things down to earth. Urds little plans that backfire are amusing to behold. Skuld is a bit annoying, but she is supposed to be she is that little sister figure that does not want to see her older sister go off with the boyfriend.

The guys from the motor club are just like the guys that can’t grow up and leave behind something they put so much time into.

I even like the mini-goddess adventures which came out of an idea in one of the oav episodes.

All in all there is some action mainly Urd and Skuld’s arguments, but at heart it is a romantic comedy which I find quite entertaining.
Having got the movie ,oav's and the latest series so far which at the monent is still going for half price on the mvm online shop,it's fair to say that this your typical feel good rom-com.The movie is probabaly still the best and closest to the manga but the series isn't far behind.though I enjoy my more serious anime ,I have to admit that I'am enjoying the series and am looking forward to season two when ADV get their act together and release it.