After School Midnighters


The Boss
On of the surprises of Scotland Loves Anime this year was <i>After School Midnighters</i>. A crazy film about an anatomic model and a skeleton living in the science room of a school, who come to life during the nights.
While we wait for the film to get more screenings around the UK or even a proper release, you can enjoy their free "purikura" style photo app.
Download app from iTunes
Got a picture of Reevothemusefan, Vivisqueen with Jonathan Clements and Andrew Partridge and another of me. I wanted to take one from Arbalest as well, but his looks made me fear for my life.

Oh, took a pic of st_owly as well, which I was surprised to find out it was a girl. Didn't know there were girls in the internet xD
</internal joke>

Vivis is a girl as well after all