Afro samurai

sanji no 1

Vampire Ninja
Ive noticed that Afro Samurai is getting quite popular. Gonzo are gonna make another series and there making a game of it for the PS3 and xbox 360. (iam gonna get it on PS3 WOOOO) Although i havent heared alot of people talking about it on this website. Dont you like it? I think its great. But then again thats my opinion.
What do you people think of Afro samurai?
There are a few threads roaming around about the Afro, I liked the series and think it works equally as well as one long movie, plus with the end how it was there is definately room to either make a sequel or to expand Afro's storyline by showing more of his life whilst searching for No. 1.

As for a game, this will either go well or bad, which is the curse of any tie in game, with a story already set the characters will have a pretty linear setup, but the moves and fighting styles seen in the anime it could also work well as a scrolling style beat'em up following afro as he makes his war towards the final battle with No. 1 - I'd love to see the game animation done in the same way as the anime itself as it would make for some beautiful scenery
Personally, I feel it's a series that favours style over substance, and I'm a substance kind of guy. Doesn't mean I look down on stylish anime, but anything that lacks anything genuinely interesting doesn't sit well with me.

Pretty sure that's all style. I watched it a while ago, it was like some bad action movie, complete with Samuel L. Jackson, at first I thought it was HORRIBLE... but it isn't so bad, you can at least watch it and laugh. Plus Ninja Ninja is like the best side-kick ever. The animation is great too so is the opening. >_>
Pity Da foo' that takes this anime seriously. Good thing to watch if you feel like watching an anime without wanting to catch every episode. As a plus, I've gotta give this anime points for the animation during the fight scenes.
I won't argue that there's much beneath the stylish action, however as a fun no brainer it's pretty damn good. The five episode duration suited it perfectly as it doesn't out stay its welcome by dragging out a thin story.
I enjoyed it, anyway. The animation was fantastic, as was the music and - of course! - the voice acting. Story was a little cliché, but all the style more than made up for it!
It's like Advent Children, just fully CG and without the FFVII cast. In other words, it's very pretty but has no inner beauty and isn't worth the time it takes to watch it.
I'm going to be unfashionable and say a few words in defence of Afro Samurai. I actually think it has a half decent story that employs an effective use of the flashback. While by no means complelling, I found myself rather drawn in to the protagonist's struggle to supress his desire for revenge, even at the expense of the people he's come to regard as family. For an action piece it has perfectly serviceable story. And it does look very nice.
The black mans struggle against his oppressors. Always emotional, even when the black man in question is a samurai fighting robots and a guy in a rabbit mask, as well as an undead guy.

The story was as cliched as you can get.

Boy sees father get killed > boy wants revenge > boy trains under a master > boy kills master > another student of the same master wants revenge on the boy who killed him > they fight when older, the killer of their master killing the other student > the guy who killed kids father gets 'killed' > the end

So many twists and turns, eh?

And to think you wont watch Naruto because it's too kiddy and simple for you!
The story is cliché, yes, but it doesn't try to be something else. I think the story is decent and I love the anime because of the great animation (below here great fight scenes), the great art style and because I love Samuel L. Jackson. He adds a bunch of epicness to the movie.