Nyu said:
Ramadahl said:
Eh, nothing wrong with making a snap judgement after the first episode, it's not as if everyone's got enough time to watch every series in full to give it a totally fair evaluation.
Usually you would watch atleast two episodes to get a fair view of what it will be like. There are quite a few series i've seen where the first episode is very different from the series as a whole. Melancholy of Haruhi is a prime example.
I try to watch at least 3 before making a judgement on a series, but sometimes (say latest generic harem series) you really don't have to to know what it's going to be like. And series with misleading first episodes are
very few and far between... Haruhi's one, and I'd add Narutaru and Bokurano (maybe) to that, but I'm finding myself hard pressed to come up with any others.
Maxon said:
If people bother to take the time to watch an episode they should finish what they started.
Why? If they're not enjoying it, why bother?
Maxon said:
Besides, if people can't make a fair evaluation, they shouldn't be making one at all. Opinions aren't always right. For an opinion to be taken seriously, it needs to be backed by reasoning and a convincing argument. Basing an opinion of something on "snap judgement" is not one.
Geez, making a snap decision on a single episode is a perfectly fair evaluation. To give an example, I could say -
"Based on the first episode, El Cazador seems to be a fairly poor excuse for a series, treading all too closely in the footsteps of it's predecessor Noir. The same roles are being reused here, albeit with slightly different personalities - however these new personalities rather than giving a fresh feel to the series only take away the sharp, stylish edge that Noir had. Also making a return are the gunfights, where the heroine takes down several armed men in shots. While it is always possible the series may vastly improve later on, the beginnings of a mind-numbingly obvious plot and the past history of girls-with-guns series (which I was never much of a fan of anyway, I admit), I'm not holding out much hope. Or any hope, in fact. El Cazador = fail."
There, that was my snap decision based on a single episode.
It is also a fair evaluation (although not as in depth as it could have been) wherein I back up my opinions on the series.