I am not expecting much of a response but now it has gotten desparate so here goes:
I need help with my sociology coursework - I am asking any sociology students or ex-students who know of any good resources for sociological studies and/or research (I've already tried the joseph rowntree foundations) in the field of low pay for young workers - as my project will be forced to go nowhere without it and I may have to heavily edit it or start again!
Or if anyone can give me a link to any research carried out on low pay for young workers I surely would be grateful!!!
I need help with my sociology coursework - I am asking any sociology students or ex-students who know of any good resources for sociological studies and/or research (I've already tried the joseph rowntree foundations) in the field of low pay for young workers - as my project will be forced to go nowhere without it and I may have to heavily edit it or start again!
Or if anyone can give me a link to any research carried out on low pay for young workers I surely would be grateful!!!