A guide, some rules... you get the picture


Ghost of Animes
A quick about

We've opened this forum, on a trial basis at first, to see whether or not people want to share with others what they are watching. It's all well and good writing reviews and hoping to impress, but sometimes how a show is drawn, the style and the look, can be just as important. Here you can post up images of your favourite anime, share with us some beautiful or emotional moments, and show the world why it's your favourite.

Guide to screen capping

... in VLC Media Player

- Open the video file

- Under the "video" menu, click the "snapshot" option

- An image of the snapshot will automatically be saved to a location specified in VLC's preferences (to get to these settings: under "Settings", click the "Preferences" option - then under the "Video" section, you can change the snapshot settings.)

If you have a guide to screen capping in other programs, please post up a short explanation below!


Rule number one... No hentai. That's not to say you can't post steamy or "romantic" images, just no sex.
You can use ImageShack uploaded images provided that you link directly to the uploaded image on their server and not the my.php option.
Could I suggest putting spoiler tags on pictures as well, or if a post is going to be heavily spoiler ridden then saying so in the topic title. Furthermore listing the episode number that a picture comes from would be nice. For example I have seen Naruto from episode 1~150 but have not seen Shippuden, so a topic with Naruto Part I would be ok to see but not Part II (Shippuden). You get the idea : ) .
DaNiMe said:
Could I suggest putting spoiler tags on pictures as well, or if a post is going to be heavily spoiler ridden then saying so in the topic title. Furthermore listing the episode number that a picture comes from would be nice. For example I have seen Naruto from episode 1~150 but have not seen Shippuden, so a topic with Naruto Part I would be ok to see but not Part II (Shippuden). You get the idea : ) .

Anime-Forums have implemented a feature like that for quite some time now, where if you want to view the image, you click the button in the spoiler and the image is expanded.

It's awesome, plus prevents page deformation.
If you're using CCCP with Media Player Classic, it's slightly more complicated.

Load up the file you want to screen-cap (DVDs can't be screen capped in MPC however), click options, go down to playback and change the video renderer to something other than 'overlay mixer' (which should be preselected), close down MPC, restart it, load up your media and to take a screenshot remember to pause it (you can find the exact bit by clicking the slow button), go to file and 'Save Image'.