A couple of blogs...

Only gripe is that some of the winners for 2008 had very little to do with it. Cowboy bebop came out 10 years ago so giving Spike the crown for male of the year seems a little off .
Technically, if I did stick to honest to goodness 2008 titles, there would be nothing there. The whole process of dubbing and licencing and releasing and sublicencing takes about 2 years, so it really would be a 2006 list or something.

My criterion was simple, DVDs that were released in 2008, and free and legal anime streamed online in 2008. The Cowboy Bebop Remix Collection R1 was released in January, which qualified it for consideration. It's not as if it has got naff in the past ten years. Similarly, Noein was released in its entirety in 2007 in Region 2, but the Region 1 boxset also came out January 2008.
Interesting read, thanks for making it and linking it!

All of this sudden Noein mentioning in these parts is starting to make me want to watch it, when I'm not in imminent danger of being crushed to death by my backlog pile...

The mind trip part of Utena the movie is teh fact that MVM licnced that WIHTOUT RELEASEING THE ORGIONAL SERIES.

I meen, what the hell? It made no sence with knowlage of the events of the TV Show and it makes even less sence going into it with virgin eyes.

But 2008 was most defently the year of the UK Anime peoples doing dumb **** that made little to no sence and them geting kicked in the face hard for it. This was illustrated beautfuly in AnimeCentral, a channel that had such poor forsight that it was created in September 07, was found lacking in April 08 and was dead before August.

2008 is also the year that Digital Streaming of Anime started in a big way with Gonzo premairing Tower Of Duraga and Sky Witches with Toei folowing only to totaly ruin my good mood by blocking access to Digimon Zero Two Uncut and Fist of the North Star because of thier irational frear of Summoning Zardoz by touching the pound of the holy britian empire.

So 2008, all in all, was the year of **** not working, be it Anime in the UK or Large death machenes.