5 Centimeters per Second (part 1)


Death Scythe
I'm trying to write a blog post on this but it's hard work. Basically the beauty pf Makoto Shinkai's stuff is so difficult to describe in words. This is a much easier way of explaining why his three newest films are so worth looking forward to:
I think it's the way he captures light. All of his art is so emotive and sentimental.
The artwork and atmosphere of his movies are visually engaging. I'll leave my comments on his work at that.
I reviewed the first part in the small hours of the morning last night, although quite honestly the pictures speak for themselves. I'm not 100% convinced that it will break new ground story-wise but the artwork is eye wateringly good.

It's funny, but I haven't seen many people blog it yet - I was expecting people to be falling over themselves to see it. Now we have to wait for the second part to come out...I can't wait!
Ok, I'm going to break out of my reserved silence because personally I don't think that if something just looks fantastic that it can get away with being devoid of almost everything else like characters or story that should also be on the same level. I haven't seen this one but I have seen Voices and Places and while they were both eye candy they didn't hold much ground with any other elements.

Most reviews I read usually about his works focus on the visual aspect then hover over the characterization and story like it doesn't matter because well... it looks good. For me having good characters is the most important thing and I can't say the characters in his work up to now have been all that strong and that can't really do being that he rests most of the storytelling on the characterisation. They just don't seem real enough for me to be interested in them for this kind of story.

But yeah, his work does look really pretty like.
Actually, I've found great animation doesn't need to be complimented by great characters or even a great plot to be captivating. After all, this is a visual genre, and as much as Shinkai's writing is lacking, his art speaks to people on an almost subconscious emotional level. Don't get me wrong, a great story and a bunch of moving characters are also fantastic, but in Shinkai's case those things aren't really needed in the same way that MONSTER doesn't need great animation to hook us in.
Fair enough, I just get a bit disappointed when I see his work that although it always looks fantastic I just feel left hollow afterwards because with some improved writing aimed at the characters then it could be something really special. Atmosphere is important to me but it just isn't everything, Ergo Proxy is another example of great atmophere over characters.

I call a collaboration with Yoshitoshi ABe. With the character depth of Haibane Renmei and Shinkai's stunning visuals I could have a new favourite movie. ;)