21 aka Bringing Down The House


There is a new film coming out later this year called 21 and its a MUST SEE in my opinion, I read the book back in 2007, the books called Bringing Down the House, and its one of the best reads ever and if the film even comes close this will be a must see movie.

Best of all its based on a true stroy.


Basically its a film about Card Counting in Vegas, a bunch of uni students studying advanced mathematics work out a system designed by there MIT professor. The story follows them as they essentially break Vegas taking home thousands of dollars every weekend making them very rich. Until the Casino's take notice and start to Black List them from gaming rooms and hotels, but they keep playing.

As I said I read this last year and couldn't put the book down, from start to finish its a story of 20ish year olds making hundreds of thousands of dollars in a night legally (card counting is legal, however casinos don't like it so ban you if you try it, in the mob days you were beaten and killed for it).

I've seen this book on the desk of my co-worker who sits rigth beside me. He actually went to Vegas to try his hand at making some money ... =)
I saw this a few weeks ago. I wouldn't say it was anything special, but a decent film to see. The acting was good but I didn't think too much of the story line. Still, it had it's funny moments and it weren't a bad way at all to spend my night. Preferable if the film you've been waiting to see still hasen't arrived yet, forcing you to watch something else.